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Grim Fandango part 2


Manny Calavera felt weak. The pain numbing his bone. The last time he felt this much pain was when he was sprouted by Hector Le'mans.

But that time he had Liquid Nitrogen to freeze the flower. Now as he stared at a sproutilla gun pointed directly at his head he began to wonder when he last felt happy. Then it came to him in a flash. He remembered the number nine train with Meche...

4 Years before

Manny Calavera stared out of the window in the Number Nine train. Glottis was waving at him with his little followers. The gatekeeper was just absentmindedly staring at the train. Like he knew all the answers in the world.

"Manny?" Meche asked him. Manny just noticed. "Yeah?" "When we get to the next world.." Meche seemed rather hesitant. Like she wanted to ask him this since he returned with the tickets and freed all the people. "What is it, Angel?"

Meche still seemed rather hesitant. Then she finally blurted it out. "Are we going to be together?" Manny seemed to know this answer the moment she said it. The answer went through his head every day for the last 4 years. "You know something, sweetheart, if there's one thing I've learned, it's this: nobody knows what's going to happen at the end of the line, so you might as well enjoy the trip." At that moment Meche leaned in to kiss him while pulling the window blind down

It was the best moment of Manny's death. He was going to eternal happiness and with Meche. Soon the train backed up and began to run towards the tunnel

Manny felt Meche began to pull away from him. Suddenly he felt as if the entire train was dissolving. Like it couldn't exist in the ninth underworld. Soon the entire cabin began to dissolve in a great white light. Manny looked around but Meche was nowhere to be seen. All he could see was blinding light.

To be continued...

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