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Year One And a Half - VampireNaomi

Ever wondered how Manny got his position as the boss of the cafe? Or how Nick became Maximino's personal lawyer? Where Glottis learnt to play piano? And what actually happened between Year One and Year Two?

       Chapter 1 - Added 12th July 2006
       Chapter 2 - Added 12th July 2006
       Chapter 3 - Added 12th July 2006
       Chapter 4 - Added 12th July 2006
       Chapter 5 - Added 12th July 2006
       Chapter 6 - Added 12th July 2006
       Chapter 7 - Added 12th July 2006
       Chapter 8 - Added 12th July 2006

Chapters - 8 | Comments - 0 | Added - 10th July 2003 | Updated - 10th July 2003

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