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Grim Fandango Box Art
By King Dando - Gallery - Monday 14th August 2006 @ 5:06 PM

Here is a pencil trace of the Grim Fandango cover that I did sometime last year. I messed up in a few places but it looks ok :D

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Manny 4 Meche
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Comments: 29

24 Jan 08
2:27 PM

kool pic

Manuel Calavera: My scythe... I like to keep it next to where my heart used to be.


19 Feb 07
9:32 AM


ClemsPaw's Avatar

Comments: 29

17 Aug 06
3:34 AM

Nice work!

User posted image


Comments: 53

15 Aug 06
4:49 AM

Nice! Thanks for reuploading aswell :)

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